Sunday, November 29, 2009

[Video] Hyun Joong in Entertainment Relay: Andre Kim Christmas Fantasy Show & Best Star Awards

Thanks 圆圆亲 for pointing me to this video link. It is an interesting video to watch.

Hyun Joong appearance in 'Happy Together' imitating Andre Kim were shown in 2:00 - 2:17. After watching this, I am surprised that Andre Kim 'really' speak like this and leader's version is really close to his real voice! LOL.....

Wonder who won the 'Best Star Award'?


Credit: haiyeo@youtube
Please repost with full credit


helen said...

I heard Hyun Joong will participate the Andrea Kim show but I don't see him in the show. Anybody knows why? I was hoping he could be in there but a bit disappointed though.

Mini UFO said...

Actually I was also anticipating during that day, maybe he was busy and didn't attend. Else cannot be there's no video clips of him during that day at all.