Thursday, August 20, 2009

[Fanfic] When SS501 met with a robber

Saw this fanfic in Baidu Tieba, very interesting and hilarious and close to our 5 boys characters! Have a good laugh!


Credit: + (English translation)

One day, SS501 met with a robber.....

Robber: Hand me your valuables!
Hyun Joongie: Robbery? Ajussi, is it fun to rob? Can you bring me along to play?
Robber ajussi: I have never heard of bringing a kid to play when robbing! You this kid must be from the extraterrestrial!
Hyun Joongie: Ajussi, how do you know?
(Ajussi you really have very good sight, this kid is definitely from the extraterrestrial!)

Robber: Hand me your valuables!
Young Saengie (Robbery! Wow! This is the first in my life! Yes, I must make a photo record!): Ajussi, lets take a photo together!
Robber ajussi (mesmerized by Saengie's beauty): O...o...kay! Please hurry, after photo taking we will continue with the robbery, Ready.... 1...2...3.... cheese...
Young Saengie: Wait! Ajussi, do you have a mirror? I must see whether my hair is messy.
Ajussi took out a mirror from his pocket and passed to him (Wow! even the robber ajussi also brings along a mirror!): Quick!
After half an hour.....
Young Saengie: Ok! Let's start photo taking!
1...2...3.... cheese
Young Saengie: Wait! The wind just blown, I have to tidy up my hair again!
Another half an hour again.....
Young Saengie: Ok! Let's start!
1....2....3... cheese
Young Saengie: Wait, the wind blow again, ajussi, why don't you borrow me your hat!
Robber ajussi:, you this child has never ending things, I rather rob other people!

Robber: Hand me your valuables!
Kyu Jong: (Obediently passed his teddy bear): Ajussi, please be extra careful. This is my most precious teddy bear, you must treat it well oh~ don't let it freeze or hungry. Ajussi, do you have any other things? If not, I will go now. Ajussi good bye!
Robbery ajussi: Wait, this is the kimbap that I bought this morning, take it to eat, your stomach is rumbling louder than your voice just now. You must be very hungry right?
Kyu Jong (obediently accepted the kimbap and made a 90 degree bow): Thank you ajussi, you are such a nice person, so nice to meet you. It must be a hard day for you, please be careful on your way back. Ajussi good bye!
Robber ajussi touchingly think: Such an obedient kid, how could I rob him?

Robber: Hand me your valuables!
Park Mal (Showing his trademark smile and posing in 'S' shape): What? Robbery? Please call me..... Park Charisma! Ajussi, I say, you want to rob right, how come you don't have any special technique? First... you should..... then, you must..... follow by that, you just have to..... finally, you..... (the 36501 words in between was omitted) Ok, why don't you learn to smile from me! The trick is in.... Eh! Ajussi, why are you leaving, I haven't finish talking....
Ajussi escaped in split second, in his heart thinking: Not that I never seen a talkative person, it is just that I had never seen one who is sooooo talkative!

Robber: Hand me your valuables!
Baby: Emm..... I don't have money! Why don't I give you a few bobo as replacement okay!
After bobo, robber ajussi face was full of his saliva and fell down to the ground weakly, screaming: Ah..... that is my first kiss!
Baby: Ahhahahaha! My bobo mesmerizing method is successful! My cute wallet is saved!

1 comment:

DSFan said...

omg this is one of the most hilarious things i've read on the internet about ss501. xDD thanks for posting this!!!