Tuesday, August 18, 2009

[Mag] SS501 in Trendy Magazine Taiwan Aug 2009 (Part 8)

For your ease in reading:

Part 1:
Part 2: http://ss501ufo.blogspot.com/2009/08/mag-ss501-in-trendy-magazine-taiwan-aug_07.html
Part 3: http://ss501ufo.blogspot.com/2009/08/mag-ss501-in-trendy-magazine-taiwan-aug_753.html
Part 4: http://ss501ufo.blogspot.com/2009/08/mag-ss501-in-trendy-magazine-taiwan-aug_08.html
SS501 Favourite Tidbits info: http://ss501ufo.blogspot.com/2009/08/ss501-favourite-taiwan-tidbits-gallery.html
Part 5: http://ss501ufo.blogspot.com/2009/08/mag-ss501-in-trendy-magazine-taiwan-aug_15.html
Part 6: http://ss501ufo.blogspot.com/2009/08/mag-ss501-in-trendy-magazine-taiwan-aug_17.html
Part 7: http://ss501ufo.blogspot.com/2009/08/mag-ss501-in-trendy-magazine-taiwan-aug_18.html
Part 8: http://ss501ufo.blogspot.com/2009/08/mag-ss501-in-trendy-magazine-taiwan-aug_7046.html
Part 9: http://ss501ufo.blogspot.com/2009/08/mag-ss501-in-trendy-magazine-taiwan-aug_19.html


Credit: Trendy Taiwan + TripleS.TW + SS501UFO.blogspot.com (English translation)
(Note: Please include above credit if taken out, do not hotlink to the graphics)

Catcha! Jung Min!

What were SS501 doing while waiting in the rest room? 'TRENDY' little footman let you have a glance....

All 5 members of SS501 lowered down their head, diligently writing something in full concentration. Oh~ they were actually signing on the posters! In order to let more fans obtained their signed poster, the 5 members had never forgotten to sign during their short resting time. Every member was busy signing on the poster. However, 'TRENDY' discovered that Jung Min didn't looked like he was signing, but......

Yes! Our sexy charisma Jung Min unexpectedly helped to draw on the other members' head. It was a rare moment when Jung Min was quiet. However, this was because he was secretly carrying out his cute mischief to add ears, silver eyebrows and hairs on every member's head in the poster! This was really hilarious! This poster was truely drawn personally by Jung Min and TRENDY fight for the exclusivity of this poster to show everybody Jung Min's saucy and cute side.

Changing costume one after another

After completed their date with TRENDY, SS501 continued with their photo shoot session. They had prepared many sets of costume for phototaking, hoping to show Taiwan fans their different styles.

Are they indeed very handsome? TRENDY who was recording aside could only said that it is tough to be an artist! Although they can wear the most charming and stylish costumes, but photo shooting was not an easy task. The flash lights were flaring none stop, it was really very uncomfortable for the eyes. However, throughout the photo shoot session, SS501 had never shown any displeased and yet enjoyed it very much. They also praised the photographer for making them looked more charming in the photographs!

When Young Saeng was taking his photo shoot, he suddenly made a stretching arm action. Was our prince trying to make a breakthrough image performance? However~ just when the photographer started the photo shoot, Young Saeng immediately returned back to his prince like image. So, that is a real stretching arm action.... Hahaha.....

Eat A Lot!

The best way to replenish energy, of course is eating food. After hard work, definitely need to replenish.
(TRENDY little footman OS: Hyun Joong ah~ You definitely need to eat more. But..... the way you hold the chopsticks, had really returned to original after you finished shooting 'Boys over Flowers')

Universe level Hilarious ~ Definitely must watch 'K-pop Craze'

Despite their interview ended at almost 12.30am the previous night and also, Hyun Joong can only returned to the hotel at 3am due to some exclusive interview session with local magazine, however, at around noon, the 5 boys still appeared energetically, dressing in their super gorgeous LV suit for the interview. Looking at their matured side, don't you feel they are charming?

During Ken Wu's 'K-Pop Craze' interview, no matter what Ken said, Jung Min continuously answered with '对对对对对' (meaning correct in an exaggerated way), making everybody burst into laughter.

These 5 guys had their 1st try with Taiwan bitter tea. After drinking, Young Saeng shown a bitter face whereas Hyung Joon pretended to faint. TRENDY deeply felt that SS501 is really suitable to be entertainers!


Last last last.... one more part to go!

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