Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hyung Joon @ Aloha Dream Tour in Hawaii

Can't find anymore photographs of SS501 departure. Let you have photograph of Maknae instead....

I think I had mentioned many times, Maknae Hyung Joon is getting more and more matured looking; and of course, more charming too! But, I guess, I still like him to look cute also. :D

Again, this set of photographs has the same rules as the previous sets of photographs which was shared by 戀影 Please comply with the rules okay!

P/S: If you really want to repost these photographs, please go to under the photo section, obtain permission from her personally to repost.


From TSTW 戀影自掃上傳 & TripleS.tw台灣SS501後援會
照片全部重新上傳 ( 禁止轉載 / 禁止塗改LOGO)

Credit: (Scanned & Upload) TSTW戀影 + TripleS.TW
DO NOT hotlink (DO NOT repost/re-edit LOGO)
I am given permission to repost these photographs here (Please DO NOT share/repost in other sites)


baby lover said...

i can't put these photo in my weblog with cr?

Mini UFO said...

Sorry, you can't even with credit unless you obtain personal permission from her. This is what I did also....

Mini UFO said...

If you can.... I would not have written it on my blog DO NOT REPOST. So sorry about it....

baby lover said...

Thank you for you're answer....