Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kyu Jong @ Aloha Dream Tour in Hawaii

New more updates on SS501, so give you last batch of 'Aloha Dream Tour in Hawaii' photographs of Kyu Jong..... Certain photographs of him make me mistaken him as Hyun Joongie. He is not smiling a lot in all these photographs. I still prefer the kind & sweet Kyu Jong. :(

I would like to thank 戀影 for allowing me to share the entire collections here. I am also grateful to her for spending so much time, scanning page by page all the photographs in this 100 pages photobook. Therefore, I seek your cooperation to comply with her request for NOT reposting & NOT re-editing the scanned photographs. Sorry, it also means that even you credit, it is not allowed, since you need her special permission. (Sorry for being so naggy.... )

Can I have some opinions from all of you, do you want me to share photographs which need special permission to repost? If not, then I won't post this type of photographs next time....

BTW, if you are tempted to purchase this photobook, it is available at YesAsia for US$61.19

P/S: If you really want to repost these photographs, please go to under the photo section, ask for permission from her personally to repost.


From TSTW 戀影自掃上傳 & TripleS.tw台灣SS501後援會
照片全部重新上傳 ( 禁止轉載 / 禁止塗改LOGO)

Credit: (Scanned & Upload) TSTW戀影 + TripleS.TW
DO NOT hotlink (DO NOT repost/re-edit LOGO)
I am given permission to repost these photographs here (Please DO NOT share/repost in other sites)


Unknown said...

these pics are gorgeous, thanks a lot for ur hardworking and also a permission of owner, really appreciate this~ u made my day^^

CrisDeReLLa said...

Many thanks for sharing all these pics and information...cos most of the official websites that I had visited, are in Korean only and I can't read on the Princes' latest updates.

Many many thanks once again!!