Sunday, October 18, 2009

Screen caps from HyunJoong interview from Entertainment Relay

Okay, don't say I didn't give you any warnings..... Before you scroll down even further. Please take a breath. Calm down..... then slowly scroll and ponder all these simply irresistible photographs..... ^_^

Thanks 휘시아 for sharing these photograph of Peace501 in SS601.


Credit: + 휘시아@SS601
Please repost with full credit. Do not hotlink graphics.

Aren't you glad that he is back to his usual self? :D


Anonymous said...

thanks So MUCH!

these are to die for!

MadamMoose said...

Leader! That man is just too adorable XD

Gahh he's so pretty D: I wish I had his skin.

Saku said...

leader is really handsome!
I dead with your face!

kish said...

he's so adorable!yummy!=D

Jericho said...

The real close up shots of Leader shows he is so irresistably handsome. Why is he getting more handsome each time huh?

Mini UFO said...

Yes! and I tell you.... when he smile..... my heart almost jumped out!! :P