Wednesday, November 18, 2009

[Photo] Kyu Jong @ Shanghai Persona Concert 2009.11.14

There's so many photographs of Shanghai Persona Concert. I just checked, actually Kyu's shared even more photographs in Baidu and it can total up to few hundreds of photographs of Shanghai Persona Concert. Haha! I really don't know how to share that. It would probably used up my blogspace if I do it! LOL.... I will just share this few from Persona Shanghai. The rest, let me think about it.....


Credit: Kyu's + SS601
Please repost with full credit
Do not hotlink and re-edit photo


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much. Finally, I can see our cute kyu's pictures. Please share more if you can. I check your site every time I sit in front of my computer. You and others who provided the pictures are SUPER. Mahalo. (Hawaiian means thank you.)

Mini UFO said...

You are from Hawaii. Wow! :D Have a nice day!