Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HyunJoong @ Persona Taiwan by Biondie (Part 4)

Hee.... sorry I didn't warn you that there will be so many parts of our dear HyunJoongie photographs..... Anyway, this is the last part.... and the part with most photographs. Total 50!


Credit: Biondie + Investigation KHJ
Please repost with full credit. Do not hotlink graphics.


Unknown said...

Just curious - how did biondie got so clear photos if cameras restricted during the concert?

Jericho said...

Such excellent photos of Leader, he's so handsome. The photographer must be a professional to be able to take such good photos. Can go sell them and make lotsa money.

Anonymous said...

yeah.. these are much better and clearer than the others
anyways, thanks for uploading

davin said...

Thanks cagali! Thanks biondie for sharing these beautiful pics. Leader's so cute, handsome... This new short hairstyle looks great he's simply glowing, specially when he smiles.
I really like the 1st photo of part4. What a beautiful shot, she's very artistic!

Mini UFO said...

Me too! I like the 1st photo, this is why it is enlarged and placed at the top! :D

Unknown said...

OMG~ I had a heart attack when first seeing these pics<3 How come he's gorgeous like that??? It takes me lots of time to get back my normal breath>.< He's sooooooooooo hooooooooootttttttttttttt *out of my mind*
Thanks so much for those who put so much wonderful job in posting these pics~~ u re the best~~~

Anonymous said...

very impressed by the quality of these images, perfect photography skill and must be high performance camera as well...Thanks so much Biondie for such beautiful images our leader...