Thursday, December 24, 2009

[Photo] Santa Hyun Wishes You a Merry Christmas @ Persona Hong Kong 2009.12.12

Thanks Mel for sending me a big present - Santa Hyun. Kekeke..... How I wish it is for real~ Nope, it is a set of photographs of our Santa Hyun in the recent Persona Hong Kong. Just imagine Santa Hyun is coming to put the present in your socks via your chimney~ (Oh... you don't have one... put a fictitious one? Or leave your window open? ^^)

Santa Hyun said: "Merry Christmas!"

P/S: Mel said the members of had taken a total of 2000 photographs solely on leader only!! ^^''


Please repost with full credit. Do not hotlink or re-edit photo


PRIS said...

best christmas present! love the photos! :D

saranghaeKHJoong said...

Merry Christmas my dear Santa Hyun!

Katie said... adorable. If Santa is that handsome and adorable, I'll remain a kid forever.
Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas to you.