Wednesday, January 13, 2010

[Info] Hyun Joong Hotsun Sandwich

Other than having the Bento Meal set, and the Kimbap, now the lastest product selling in 7-11 Korea is Hotsun Sandwich. Similar like the previous few types of food, they have leader photographs on the packaging. Apetizing ne!

Credit: Hotsun + + TripleSTW
Please repost with full credit
Do not hotlink grapics


Katie said...

I don't know if i like the idea of putting his image on all of those sandwichs, or lunchboxes.. After people consume those food, they will throw away the wrap, right. Not all of the purchasers are fans. It's a pity to see his beautiful picture in the tr... can.

Jericho said...

This is like Winnie the Pooh, over commercialised. Since it's just only Hotsun, 1 product, that's still acceptable.

candy said...

ya...i agree of wt Katie said...i rly cant imagine HJL's pic inside e dustbin..=( its too heartbreakin 4 im a big fan of HJL... or mayb they can launch another version 4 those non HJL fans...^^

♥Kibum's said...

Interesting :)