Sunday, September 20, 2009

And the photographs just keep coming......

Wow! Today we have overload of Leader's photographs. I wish MORE MORE MORE come in! (~.^)


Credit: + as tagged
Please repost with full credit. Do not hotlink graphics

Leader appearance together with Sheungri.
They are both wearing opposite colours.
Leader: Black suit, White pants, Black Shoes
Sheungri: White suit, Black pants, White Shoes. Haha!

Getting instructions for the game and then hunt for seafood in the sea.
The next game was to bite the squid ring from the string.

I am eager to see the sub version! Leader talked a lot with Hyori.
Wonder what are they talking about?
Hyori had been laughing along with him none stop.
Curious curious........

Meal time and they called up Dae Sung,
and Dae Sung said something that made Leader laugh

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